Work related advice

Work related advice

Discuss how your symptoms affect you at work and get advice about what an employer can do to help you.

Women can experience debilitating menopause symptoms that can influence everyday activities including work.

According to a survey by the British Menopause Society, around 45% of women have said that menopause symptoms have impacted negatively on their work. 47% have taken time of sick, and not felt able to say the real reason for the absence.

Women can feel embarrassed and unable to talk about their menopause symptoms for fear of stigma.

The most commonly symptoms affecting work are poor concentration, tiredness, poor memory, feeling low/depressed and lowered confidence. Many women consider leaving their job.

Partners may also be affected due to relationship problems and disturbed sleep.

Menopause is a health and wellbeing concern for staff. If an employee is put at a disadvantage or treated less favourably because of menopause symptoms, this could be seen as discriminatory.

What can be done to help?

Thankfully, employers are becoming more aware of the importance of supporting menopausal colleagues, and are introducing menopause policies, and awareness training.

It may help to discuss your work situation and difficulties to see if there are reasonable adjustments that can be made to help. This may include flexible working, cooler uniforms, access to fans/cold water and breaks. I can help you with a plan of how to approach this with your employer.

Menopause in the Workplace – Women’s Health Concern (

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