What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Menopause Appointment (45minutes) (£150)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is a well-established and evidence-based non-medical approach that empowers individuals to gain control over their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. It can be helpful for a number of conditions including anxiety and stress, hot flushes and night sweats, sleep problems and fatigue.
Managing Hot Flushes with Group Behavioural Therapy
The course follows the pioneering group treatment designed by Myra Hunter and Melanie Smith to help with menopause symptoms, reducing the frequency/intensity and distress caused by hot flushes and sweats. I completed training to deliver the programme via the British Menopause Society.
This course will apply CBT principles to specifically address the psychological aspects of menopausal hot flushes and sweats. By understanding and modifying thought patterns and behaviours, you can learn to better manage these symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.
What does a CBT Course Entail?
• CBT course group sessions – 4 sessions lasting 2 hours on 4 consecutive weeks.
Outline of Group sessions
Each session will introduce a new topic and will build on what has been learnt during the week and in the previous session. Daily diary records are important so that we can find out how the changes you make are helping you. There will be homework and you can make individual goals for each section of the treatment. Relaxation and paced breathing exercises are woven throughout the course.
Session 1
Your experience of menopausal symptoms
The physiology of hot flushes
The role of thoughts, feelings, and behaviour
Identifying what brings them on and makes them worse.
Relaxation and paced breathing.
Session 2
Identifying and modifying precipitants
Stress management and improving wellbeing.
Setting individual goals
Examining thoughts, beliefs, and behavioural reactions.
Relationships and social situations.
Short form of relaxation and paced breathing.
Session 3
Hot flushes: thoughts, beliefs, and behaviour review.
Role-play dealing with hot flushes using relaxation.
Managing night sweats and sleep
Applying relaxation and changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviour to deal with hot flushes and night sweats.
Session 4
Review and acknowledge progress.
How to keep it going and take it forward.
Brief review of what we have learnt.
Develop maintenance plans.
Group discussion, optional topics.
Cost of Course
To register your interest for the course please complete the following contact form.

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